Winter Information

Snow Plowing
The Village of Kimberly maintains around 35 miles of roadway. In the winter this equates to over 80 lane miles of snow plowing maintenance. Each road requires at least two passes to clear with some wider roads requiring four. Every effort is made to clear the roads in a timely manner. However, there are many considerations that are taken into account, the start and end times of the storm and the intensity and amount of snow.  Priority is given to main roads and school zones. 

The Village also utilizes road salt in our snow operations. Road salt works by lowering the freezing point of water. Even when the pavement temperature is below freezing, it holds some heat which can help melt snow and ice. As temperatures drop, the amount of salt needed to melt a given quantity of ice increases significantly. Salt can melt five times as much ice at 30o F as it can at 20oF. Melting rates become very low below 20oF, and almost no melting occurs once temps are below 5oF. Traffic volume is another significant contributor to the effectiveness of salt, which means residential streets will melt at a much slower rate, compared to primary and secondary streets. Salt is either spread during an icing or snow event or used as a brine and applied to the roads prior to prevent ice from bonding to the pavement.

Please exercise caution when travelling during winter weather.

Snow Shoveling
It is the property owner’s responsibility to clear your sidewalk in the village, according to Chapter 430-10 of the Village of Kimberly Code of Ordinances. 

Clearing snow from the sidewalks allows the safe passage of our community to get to and from
work or school. Please consider looking out for your neighbors and helping clear snow when necessary to keep our sidewalks safe. Clear sidewalk ramps are also required for crossing. We ask that everyone attempt to get a path through in each direction, and we will widen it if necessary to appropriate width. If you are near a hydrant, please clear a 3’ path around the hydrant for access in case of an emergency. If you need to report a sidewalk concern, please click the link

Winter Parking Ban
Village ordinance prohibits parking on any Village Street or in any municipal parking lot from 2:00 AM – 6:00 AM, December 1st thru April 1st.

This ordinance is established to assist with potential snow removal. Metro Police Department may grant permission for on street parking if snow is not predicted in the forecast.  Just fill out the form to receive notification if permission is granted or denied due to a winter weather

Winter Refuse Collection
During winter months, garbage & recycling polycarts shall not be placed on top of the snow banks, nor shall it be placed in the roadway.  Residents must either shovel out an area behind the curb or driveway in which to place their polycarts.

Salt Barrels
The salt barrels located in the Village are for emergency use on the streets only, and not for residential use.