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Sanitary Sewer Information
Any resident experiencing a Sanitary Sewer backup is requested to contact the Kimberly Street Department 920-788-7507 Monday thru Thursday 8 AM- 4 PM and Fridays 8 AM – 3 PM or call the Street Department on-call phone at 920-850-8687.
When a backup is reported, the Village Street Crew will check the Village’s sanitary sewer main line for possible blockage and report back to the residents with findings.
Any sewer blockage between the main and the residence is the responsibility of the home owner.
Cleaning and Televising
The Village of Kimberly continues to complete a televising and cleaning program for our sewer system with sections of the village scheduled annually for this maintenance.
Televising is the most effective method to inspect the internal condition of a sewer. This process allows the Village to assess any damage or repairs needed to the sewer as well as to clean any build up or blockages in the sewer lines.
This process is completed through the use of a waterproof camera that allows us to view sewer lines through camera footage.
Have questions? We are here to help. Please call the street department at 920-788-7507 or email us any time at streets@vokimberlywi.gov